Welcome to TORAXE Rules for the alliance. 1) Be active. A yellow dot will get you a warning. If you are yellow more than a day you will be farmed so your recourses dont go to waste. 2) Yellow dot more than 3 times one one month you will be kicked and farmed. 3) If you cant be on-line you need to find a sitter. 4) It is mandatory you check the forum daily. We have to communicate to plan. You are encouraged to be active on the site. 5) Embassy calls. When an embassy call is made your are to send a hours worth of recourses to the leader. It will be mandatory until our embassy is complete. 6) Talk to a leader before attacking a member of another alliance. We fight for a reason, not for fun. If you want to leave the alliance contact a leader with a reason. If not you will be attacked no matter who you are. If you have any questions about the game or the alliance what so ever always feel free to contact a leader or a member.